Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I went to see Transformers this evening with a girlfriend of mine. This was one of those movies that would usually never entice me, and I certainly don't make a habit of paying $9.25 to see movies like this one. But, from the moment I first saw the trailer, there was something about it that excited me. Maybe it was the way the transformers transform from cars to robots to planes to... whatever they feel like transforming into. Or maybe it was the fact that Shia LeBeouf was in the movie. I've always had a thing for him, ever since the days when I compulsively watched the Disney Channel's show Even Stevens.

No matter the reason, I decided that I really wanted to see Transformers in the theater. So I did. And it was amazing, just like everyone said it was.

Why was it amazing? Well, for one, it wasn't as insanely cheesy as it had the potential to be, if that makes any sense. A successful script being crafted with only toy transformers as inspiration? Let's face it, pretty much every other script that tried to go off a popular toy has done terribly. But this one just did a fantastic job somehow. Personally, I think it's largely due to Shia LeBeouf's genius acting contribution, but that's just me. :)

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