Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I never understood
what was meant by
"when he's happy, I'm happy"
"when he's sad, I'm sad"

But, oh how I comprehend it now.
Perhaps more than I ever wanted to.

His frown makes me want to cry.
Either that, or I must find a way to make it better.
If I can't make it better,
I join him helplessly in his melancholy.

His smile.
Infectious, endearing, hypnotizing, vibrant.
Better than a thousand brilliant sunrises.
All disappointments of my day are gone.
And I am undeniably happy in that moment.

I never understood
how one could
drown in one's tears.

Now I do.
Because I have.

They come like torrential downpours.
They hover at the corners of my eyes
threatening to spill over at the slightest provocation.
A word, a song, a picture, that familiar voice,
all equally painful, equally debilitating.
For weeks, my cheeks are delicate and raw
irritated at the constant flow of salty tears
and incessant dabbing of tissues.
Is it possible to be on the verge of tears
for months on end?

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