Sunday, August 5, 2007

Smile, Laugh, Embrace

Smile sweetly,
for you never know who you are blessing
with that beautiful smile.
Laugh heartily,
for what better way could you pass the time
than by laughing with abandon?
Embrace tightly,
for it is a moment to be cherished
and all too soon it will be nothing but a memory.

Smile sweetly at me,
tell me with your eyes not your words
that you smile because I am here with you.
Laugh heartily with me,
for I do not believe
there is anything better than a good laugh
with the man I love.
Embrace me tightly,
so tightly that I feel safe and warm
and entirely yours forever and ever.
Sing to me tenderly,
serenade me with your guitar
and I will forget that anyone else exists.
Sway with me gently,
move your feet to the rhythm of the music,
let me rest my head on your shoulder.
Love me wholeheartedly,
do not hold back
do not cling to fear and uncertainty
but love me with everything that is in you.

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