Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Do you see?

Do you see those sand dunes?
Can we
take each other's hand
and scamper over them
like little children?
The sun-baked sand
will scurry delightfully over our toes.

Do you see that water,
the rhythmic waves sliding onto the beach?
Can you
pick me up and run,
then drop me in that ice cold wetness?
I'll pull you in too, you know.

Do you see those stones in a circle over there?
Can you
make a roaring fire
and melt away all these goosebumps?
We will make s'mores
and there will be gooey, sticky whiteness
all over our lips.

Do you see that perfect sitting log behind us?
Can you
hold me close
and sing our favorite songs with me?
The crashing of the waves
are the perfect background track.

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