Monday, September 1, 2008

On slugs and vampires

While watering my neighbor's lovely plants today, I happened upon something disturbing. A slug. A rotund brown slug moseying its way along the gravel, probably intent on reaching the grass and disappearing into its greenery.

Slugs cause one reaction in me and only one: utter disgust and revulsion. And if I'm within ten feet of one, involuntary shudders course up and down me. Yet, they're interesting to me too. Their ugly, legless bodies somehow get them from point A to point B, in surprisingly short amounts of time. They don't make any noise. And no matter how hideous and slimy they are, they can't help that. Poor things. :P

When I was 12, a baby slug--really, the tiniest thing ever--latched onto my little toe. I yelped and proceeded to flail my arms and run around the yard, as if Bigfoot himself was chasing me. My family looked at me in shock.

Slugs are a lot like vampires, really. They both inspire strange feelings of revulsion mingled with curiosity.

I'm reading a series about vampires, which is utterly and completely not like me. Since when have I been interested in that kind of thing? Since never. But each book draws me in, makes me want to keep reading into the wee hours of the night. Perhaps because the main character, Bella, and the emotions she goes through remind me of things I've gone through. Of course, none of mine had to do with vampires or being loved by a vampire boyfriend, but you get the idea. :P

Bella and Edward's relationship is astonishingly addicting for me, the reader. Her insecurities about his love for her, their inability to be too affectionate lest his brutal strength hurt her accidentally, and the overpowering pull they experience toward each other are just riveting.

I'm on the 3rd book (out of four) and can hardly bring myself to put it down. In fact, after I finish writing this, I plan to pick it up again and potentially finish it tonight, despite the fact that I have to get up at 6:45 tomorrow morning.

I'm 21 years old, a college graduate, and I'm reading a young adult series about vampires and werewolves. I feel incredibly silly. But is that going to stop me from finishing it? Nope. Not a chance. :)

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