Friday, September 26, 2008

Venezia and Roma

Karen and I just had the most invigorating conversation with three Italian guys. We were on the train from Venezia to Roma (5 hours) and spent the entire time conversing with them in our extremely limited Italian (basically, we used our phrase books and the help of the younger guy who spoke some English). It was hilarious and very lively and the time sped past, needless to say. Matteo, the younger one, did the Italian "kiss-on-both-cheeks" thing to Karen and me when our train arrived in Rome and we said goodbye. *Sigh* :P

We spent today in Venezia (Venice), exploring the various canals and crossing a bazillion bridges. I had my first real Italian dinner, and it was divine. As we walked around, we kept marveling at the sheer craziness of the tourism there. Every single inch of the roads was covered in souvenir vendor stands. Yuck. It sort of kept me from enjoying Venice as much as I would have liked to.

But now... Roma!!! Oh yeah. We're excited. I'll update later on when we've actually seen some sights here. Oh, the Colosseum... :)

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