Monday, November 17, 2008


I just learned a few days ago that Michael Crichton passed away. This is truly a great loss to the writing world and to me. I have spent many a summer afternoon baking in the sun because I couldn't tear myself away from one of his novels. Jurassic Park, Timeline, Rising Sun, The Andromeda Strain... you name it, I've probably read it.

I'm horrifically ignorant about all science-related topics. Most of his novels deal with minute scientific details that just go WHOOSH over my head. But somehow, I find them riveting. I pick them up and can't put them down. For this reason, I pack a Michael Crichton novel whenever I go to the beach or I'm planning to enjoy a lot of down time. There's just no one better.

You will be missed, Mr. Crichton.

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