Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My year

It's the end of 2008. Here's my year in a nutshell:

1. First and foremost: after two-and-a-half years of loving and wanting a certain someone, I have finally learned to let go and have become interested in other guys once again. :)

2. I chopped eight inches off my hair and discovered I like my hair when it's shoulder-length. A lot.

3. I graduated from SPU and am currently juggling two babysitting gigs and a part-time jobs as I wait to find out if I've been admitted to SPU's grad program for elementary education.

4. I went to Europe with my friend, Karen. I saw Paris, Venice, Florence, Rome, and other amazing places. Now I want to go back.

5. I'm not in a perpetual cloud of semi-depression all the time (see #1).

6. I'm plugged in to a church in Seattle and loving it.

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