Friday, October 17, 2008

Me. In Seattle. And loving every second of it!!!

Finally. I feel confident, independent, comfortable in my own skin. I feel like a "grown up," that elusive point in life all 20-somethings hope to reach sooner rather than later.

This could be due to several things. For one, I live in a house in Ballard and pay rent each month. Two, I recently started attending Bethany Community, both on Sunday evenings for a service and on Thursday evenings for a women's Bible study. Both things are just what I've been needing the past few years, but never found until now. I'm getting "plugged in," if you will, and it's helping me feel at home.

Three: my three-week trip to Europe this fall proved to me that I'm capable of being halfway across the world and taking care of myself. I had expected this to be the case, but it's nice to know for sure. :)

Four: I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm okay with that. As much as I dearly hope to be married someday, I've been realizing more and more what a blessing it is to be single. At times, it's difficult to overcome the yearning to love and be loved in return. But, I think that's only natural, and I try not to let that desire possess and control me.

Oh yay. I love the delicious newness and amazingness of everything right now!

More to come, perhaps, when I'm less tired...

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