Monday, September 29, 2008


We spent the afternoon in Vatican City today. The Sistine Chapel was the single most amazing thing I've seen thus far. Karen and I craned our necks for about a half-hour, studying the beautiful frescoes. My neck is sore from that, and then I think of how Michelangelo must have felt, standing with his head inches from the ceiling, painting minute details on a massive scale. We were told that the amount of painting he did equaled the area of a football field. And he said he was a sculptor not a painter... whatever. I have never been more impressed by artwork than I was by the Sistine Chapel.

St. Peter's Basilica was beautiful as well. Michelangelo's "Pieta" was there, albeit behind bulletproof glass. Someone tried to destroy it about 30 years ago, so ever since then it has been protected by a glass wall. We decided we wanted to climb up the dome of the church. Seven euros and 343 steps later we were at the top and could see an expansive view of Rome. Sadly, we couldn't find the Colosseum or the Roman Forum from that viewpoint, but it was still awesome.

Everyone--and I do mean everyone--stares at us. Openly. Without breaking eye contact. It's rather strange. We've noticed this everywhere we've gone. We just scream "American Tourist" pretty much. Maybe that's it.

We're leaving Rome tomorrow and going to "Firenze," otherwise known as Florence. We're also planning a day trip to Pisa. After that, it's Switzerland and then home! I can't wait to see you all again.

I wish I could bring each of you a cone filled with gelato, but since I can't, you'll just have to come over here and try it for yourself one day!

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